Code Comparison Tool
Hey guy, this is my first story that I want to tell you. It is useful for you if you are a programmer or someone who has a problem with code comparing. Firstly, there are 2 requirement tools that you need to install.
Follow this main link to find the tool and download it ( ) notice that you should remember which version you installed
Compare-plugin is a plugin that you need to install by copying folder “ComparePlugin_v2.0.0_X64” to notepad++ plugin folder “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins”
* Version of compare-plugin and notepad++ should be matched each other *

After you installed plugin, you should reopen notepad++. Then you could see a new menu at notepad++ menu bar.

Now, you’re ready to use this tool. Let’s begin first step by opening the first source-code file then click Plugins->Compare->Set as First to Compare. then open second source-code file and click Plugins->Compare->Compare.
Congratulation!!! you have success comparing two source-code files